Measurement of thermophysical properties of V melts and applicability of Mott theory to thermal diffusivity ◯ Manabu WATANABE (Kyoto Univ.), Masayoshi ADACHI, Hiroyuki Fukuyama (Tohoku Univ.)
Measurement of melting points of uranium oxides by laser heating method ◯ Seina URAKAWA, Tatsumi ARIMA, Yaohiro INAGAKI (Kyushu Univ.)
Relationship between local structure and mesoscopic domain characteristics of melts of high-melting-point elements. ◯ Utashiro M OKUMURA, Ayaka M NAKANO (N.I.T. Hakodate Col. Advanced Course), Osamu M TERAKADO, Akitoshi M MIZUNO (N.I.T. Hakodate Col.), Koji M OHARA (Shimane Univ.), Shinji M KOHARA (NIMS), Tadahiko M MASAKI (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.)
Viscosity measurements of molten lead chloride with neodymium chloride using an oscillating crucible method ◯ Tsuyoshi NISHI, Hikari NARA, Rika SATO, Hiromichi OHTA (Ibaraki UNIV.), Takanori SUGAWARA, Kenji NISHIHARA (JAEA)
Thermophysical property measurements of liquid Cobalt by an electrostatic levitator ◯ Yuki WATANABE (AES), Chihiro KOYAMA, Takehiko ISHIKAWA (JAXA)
Visicosity Measurements of Molten Tin Alloys by using a Oscillating Crucible Viscometer ◯ Hikari NARA, Tsuyoshi NISHI, Hiromichi OHTA (Ibaraki Univ.)
Development of XAFS Measurement Method for High-Temperature Molten Materials ◯ Hiromichi M WATANABE (AIST), Keisuke M NIINO (Grad. School Fukui Univ.), Yuji M ARITA (Fukui Univ.)