Thermal diffusivity measurement of triacylglycerol during process dependent structural phase transition ◯ Ryota Kato (Tokyo Tech), Meguya Ryu (AIST), Junko Morikawa (Tokyo Tech)
Measurement of Crosslinking Reaction Process of Epoxy-based Chemically Amplified Photoresists by Thermal Diffusivity ◯ Tomotake NAITO (Tokyo Tech), Meguya RYU (AIST), Junko MORIKAWA (Tokyo Tech)
Measurement of the curing reaction process of forced-orientation liquid crystalline epoxy monomers by TWA method under strong magnetic field ◯ Shiori NAKAGAWA, Rika MARUI, Shuji KAMEGAKI (Tokyo Tech), Meguya RYU (AIST), Teruaki HAYAKAWA (Tokyo Tech), Fumito ARAOKA (RIKEN), Junko MORIKAWA (Tokyo Tech)
Development of Liquid Crystalline Polyimides with High Thermal Conductivity Using Machine Learning ◯ Hayato MAEDA, Rika MARUI, Erina YOSHIDA, Kan HATAKEYAMA-SATO, Yuta NABAE, Shiori NAKAGAWA (Tokyo Tech), Meguya RYU (AIST), Junko MORIKAWA, Ryohei ISHIGE, Masatoshi TOKITA (Tokyo Tech), Stephen WU (ISM/SOKENDAI), Yoh NOGUCHI (Tokyo Univ. of Pharmacy/ISM), Yoshihiro HAYASHI (ISM/SOKENDAI), Ryo YOSHIDA (ISM/NIMS/SOKENDAI), Teruaki HAYAKAWA (Tokyo Tech)
Measurement of thermophysical properties of V melts and applicability of Mott theory to thermal diffusivity ◯ Manabu WATANABE (Kyoto Univ.), Masayoshi ADACHI, Hiroyuki Fukuyama (Tohoku Univ.)
Measurement of melting points of uranium oxides by laser heating method ◯ Seina URAKAWA, Tatsumi ARIMA, Yaohiro INAGAKI (Kyushu Univ.)
Relationship between local structure and mesoscopic domain characteristics of melts of high-melting-point elements. ◯ Utashiro M OKUMURA, Ayaka M NAKANO (N.I.T. Hakodate Col. Advanced Course), Osamu M TERAKADO, Akitoshi M MIZUNO (N.I.T. Hakodate Col.), Koji M OHARA (Shimane Univ.), Shinji M KOHARA (NIMS), Tadahiko M MASAKI (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.)
Viscosity measurements of molten lead chloride with neodymium chloride using an oscillating crucible method ◯ Tsuyoshi NISHI, Hikari NARA, Rika SATO, Hiromichi OHTA (Ibaraki UNIV.), Takanori SUGAWARA, Kenji NISHIHARA (JAEA)
Thermophysical property measurements of liquid Cobalt by an electrostatic levitator ◯ Yuki WATANABE (AES), Chihiro KOYAMA, Takehiko ISHIKAWA (JAXA)
Visicosity Measurements of Molten Tin Alloys by using a Oscillating Crucible Viscometer ◯ Hikari NARA, Tsuyoshi NISHI, Hiromichi OHTA (Ibaraki Univ.)
Development of XAFS Measurement Method for High-Temperature Molten Materials
Development of Sample Heating System and Measurement for Zirconia Melt ◯ Hiromichi M WATANABE (AIST), Keisuke M NIINO (Grad. School Fukui Univ.), Yuji M ARITA (Fukui Univ.)
Takashi Yagi (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Fourier transform method (FT method) in physical measurements and its application to thermophysical property research ◯ Tetsuya Baba (AIST), Takahiro Baba, Takao Mori (NIMS)
Fourier Transform Analysis for the Measurement Results of Nano second pulsed light Thermoreflectance Method ◯ YOSHIO SHINODA (NETZSCH Japan), Tetsuya Baba (AIST), Takahiro Baba, Takao Mori (NIMS), Osamu Tsukamoto, Kazuko Ishikawa (NETZSCH Japan)
Analysis of thermoreflectance signal after picosecond periodic pulse heating by Fourier transform method ◯ Takahiro BABA (NIMS), Tetsuya BABA (AIST), Takao MORI (NIMS)
Representation of thermophysical properties of solids by impulse response functions and Green's functions ◯ Tetsuya BABA (AIST), Takahiro BABA, Takao MORI (NIMS)